Program Sponsors:
The student voice of Detroit's High Schools.

Student Life

Kenya Johnson, Shantel Morrow, Mar’Tya Remson and Victor Williams work on SAT prep in Ms. Johnson’s class.

Scholarship opportunities are out there

According to Forbes, “Student loan debt in 2019 is the highest ever.” The amount of money owed by recent graduates is in the trillions in the U.S. alone. Students all deserve the same opportunities as everyone else, and it doesn’t always have to be followed with years of debt to pay off. 

TeamGM volunteers clean up brush and trash. Photo by Howler Staff.

Volunteers help improve community

During the second week of September, hundreds of volunteers from General Motors, Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision (SDEV), Ideal Group, and Detroit Cristo Rey gathered for what is known as teamGM Cares Week to improve areas of the city through community service projects.

Cass Technical High School is among six Detroit schools that received donations from Vans to support their music programs.

Cass Tech gets grant to support music

On Sept. 24, Vans presented Cass Technical High School’s music department with a check for $10,000 and instruments for the orchestra department valued at $10,000. Cass along with five other Detroit Public Schools received money to help subsidize the music curriculum of their respective schools. 

At the Lincoln Hills Restoration Retreat, the young ladies work on self-preservation through yoga and other activities.

Students attend Denver retreat

NAF along with the Fund II Foundation sponsored its second annual Lincoln Hills Restoration Retreat which is normally for black male achievement. But this year, young women were welcomed for the first time since the start of the organization. 

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