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Student Life

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[gallery type="slideshow" size="large" link="none" columns="1" ids="2861,2859,2858,2857,2860"] By Michael Betty Eye of the Hurricane Joshua Johnson’s artwork, which can be found in the halls and grounds of Frederick Douglass Academy, has found a new venue. Through Jan.

student-life, cma-communicator

Students say ‘Free Dress’ lets them show trends, but at a cost

By Fallon Brown and Paris Brown The Communicator “Free Dress” days are days designated for students to not wear uniform — but some students say the days come at the cost of promoting materialism. Students at Communication & Media Arts High School tend to display trends at social gatherings and outfits and accessories are often the topic of discussion after the event. “Name brand items are praised and acknowledged,” said sophomore Lydia Owens.

student-life, the-diagnostic

BCHS provides space to LGBT community

By Gregory Freeman The Diagnostic At Benjamin Carson High School, along with a portion of the student body, health careers and forensic science teacher Curtis Valasek founded the school’s very own Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA), or Spectrum. “This GSA allows student to speak about LGBT issues that cannot be easily spoken about at home or at church,” Valasek said.

detroit-community, front-page, student-life, the-diagnostic

Amnesty gives voice to student safety

BCHS group takes on transportation issues By Myeasha Perry, Jonathon Ramseur and Sabrina Thurmond The Diagnostic With so much attention on the 440 minutes spent in school each day, many students feel their voices go unheard about the time spent traveling to and from school. Even though many drive to school or their parents or guardians take them, students still face the reality of living in the city.

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