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Carson boosts spirit

By Joy Johnson and Whitney Vaughn The Diagnostic

Spirit Week at Benjamin Carson High School was a week of fun, laughter and amazing activities. Throughout the week of Nov. 9-13, every day was assigned a different theme, each being amusing or educational.

On Monday, Nov. 9, the advisories teamed up against each other in a Homeroom Wars where the each advisory/homeroom had to pick their own themes and dress to impress.

Tuesday was Senior Citizen Day where the students and teachers dressed up as if they were elderly people. Wednesday was College Day where everyone wore their favorite college attire. Thursday was Twin Day where everyone paired with another student to wear matching clothing. Finally, on Friday, the classes represented their class by dressing up in class colors. These class colors were assigned to them by the Student Council Committee.

Spirit Week was also turned into a competition at the end of each day. On the last day the points were added up and the class with the most enthusiastic participation won. This year, the Class of 2016 took home the victory and won the Spirit Trophy.

Spirit Week culminated in the BCHS Pep Rally on Nov. 13, when the whole school took to the field to team up against each other in numerous activities such as tug-of-war, a cheering competition, flag football, skin the snake, and many more. BCHS senior Najiyyah Bellamy was strongly involved in spirit week.

“Spirit week was fun,” Bellamy said. “We got to dress up as old people. It was fun to be out of our uniform for a week. This year the students were more engaged than years before, which, for many, made it all the more fun.

“Spirit week was so fun this year. The themes were better which really made me want to participate,” said BCHS student Cameron Campbell.


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