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Student Life

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Renaissance celebrates LGBTQ community in honor of National Coming Out Day

Members of the board game club at Renaissance High School constructed a “Coming Out Wall” in honor of National Coming Out Day, to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and more. The Coming Out Wall posted on the second floor included various “secrets” that were written and submitted anonymously by members of the 1,203 student body. “I'm too fat to be noticed” and “I honestly hate school - I'm miserable here” are just two of the 225 submissions now posted in bright colors. The wall was designed to create a safe space for students, providing a way to come out about various secrets in a creative way.

Detroit Parent Network Mrs. Mitchell shares with SE Junior Antonio Preston.

DPN Network prepares students for college

The Detroit Parent Network (DPN) helps Southeastern High School students plan for college by conducting workshops at the school during the school day. Since September 19, 2018, DPN Theresa Mitchell, has walked students through a process of selecting and analyzing possible college choices that match their career goals, interests and personalities.

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