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The student voice of Detroit's High Schools.

Program drives student success

Teachers and students have been using a new learning program this school year called Achieve 3000. It’s designed to help teachers incorporate instructional practices to elevate student learning through customized online instructions. 

At the Ville, students are completing assignments on Achieve 3000 several days a week. They are assigned activities in English and social studies classes, and for many, their reading level scores are increasing. 

Achieve 3000 is a useful learning tool that can help increase reading comprehension skills and prepare juniors for SAT and ACT Tests. 

Many seniors are improving reading skills through Achieve 3000, and some will provide prospective colleges assessment reports that showcase their progress. Doing this may even increase seniors’ chances of being admitted to the college of their choice.  

Senior Deshawn Durr said, “The program is an easy, organized way to do assignments, and you can monitor your own progress.”

Achieve 3000 also recognizes students for their efforts, and it will send congratulatory emails to administrators, teachers and the students who excel. Senior Ivy Ellington received special honors for earning the highest Achieve 3000 score in Michigan on Jan. 14.


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