Program Sponsors:
The student voice of Detroit's High Schools.



Traveling down the road of the auto advancements

The evolution of the automobile has transformed how Americans view the traditional car. Henry Ford brought cars to the masses with the utilitarian Model 5, and then in 1935 he successfully crafted and produced the Model A1, which was designed for comfort, space, and affordability.


Is Trump limiting freedom of the press?

The media delivers the news to its consumers, aiming to supply them with information that will inform citizens about what happens in the world around them.  There has been speculation as to if President Donald J.


'How you sound should not determine your character'

In my life I have encountered many situations where how I spoke made people think that I were smarter or “better” than them. Because I enunciated my words and spoke in full sentences, I was told I spoke “like a white girl.” As a young teen, I enjoyed reading, which might be where I developed my speech pattern of speaking in complete sentences.

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