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The student voice of Detroit's High Schools.



How to be OK with the nay

Many fear the dreaded rejection letter because when received, many feel the need to give up. However, although it will feel like the end of the world, it will not be.


Do we put the right value on grades?

At Renaissance, teachers have begun catching on to what students do to clutch a desired grade. Those actions include: cheating, plagiarizing, and copying. It is normal for students to do the bare minimum, just to get through a class. 

Junior Anastasia Quails was caught wearing her “We are one” T-shirt on Oct. 29. The shirts were purchased with funds from a $5000 grant from DPSCD Foundation given to support the merging of the two small schools. 

Mumford merger a welcome change

“We acted like there was a line in the middle of the class separating us all,” senior Divine Crawford said. She was describing the first week in English teacher Rubye Richard’s AP Literature class.

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