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The student voice of Detroit's High Schools.


Foreign Language Immersion student Anaya Smith completes her Japanese homework at the kitchen table.

Opinion: DPS Leaves Behind a Legacy of Uncertainty in 2016

It would have been nearly impossible for any student in DPS to ignore the turmoil taking place in Detroit schools over the past few months; budget problems, sick out protests, and bills that seem more ‘reluctant appeasement plan’ than long term solutions. As a senior, the first reaction to these issues is an eye roll and and a shrug.


Students pay a price when teachers aren't in school

Teachers weren’t the only people affected by a two-day sick out earlier this month to protest Detroit Public Schools’ threat to stop paying teacher salaries over the summer. Students paid a price, too. “I understand the struggle that teachers are going through,” says Douglass senior James Smith.

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Detroit student photographers have own vision

The art of photography has become a trending hobby, and it seems that DPS has their own share of students who’ve found an interest and has become known for it. “When I’m taking pictures, I’m not just looking for something that looks nice or has a certain mood.


​What makes a comeback, a comeback?

Detroit seems to be saying, “Out with the old and in with the new.” Many citizens are left uncertain when asked the question, “Is Detroit really the comeback city?” With all the contrast of good and bad coming from the city, it takes much effort to take a deeper look into the question. Over the past couple of years, the Motor City has changed for the better: tearing down old houses and buildings, building new infrastructure and parks, and even renewing the well-known Belle Isle and the Riverwalk.

Emmy1: Douglass seniors Kamar Graves and Drake Glover receive an Emmy for their rap video “Peace.”

Douglass students win Emmy

Douglass Academy valedictorian Kamar Graves, senior Drake Glover and junior Deon Butler won an Emmy award last month from the Michigan chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for their music video “Peace.” The video was shot in front of Douglass Academy as part of a project for the Lyricist Society, a school hip-hop club headed by staff member Quan Neloms.

King’s Health Center welcomes all students, and they are ready to listen to whatever medical or social issue students face.

St. John Providence guides students in STI preventions

This year St. John Providence Health Center at King held its Annual STI Screening Event to keep teens informed about the negative possibilities involved in sexual contact. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites through some physical contact.

Michigan State University second year law students Chaz Gross and Angela White.

Cass Tech hosts conversation on ‘Black Lives Matter’

“Hands Up, Don't Shoot” is a saying heard through the protest held across the nation in midst of the numerous killings of black Americans at the hand of police officers. Michigan State University Law School and Cass Technical High School students paired together to start the conversation most schools will often try to avoid.

Cass Tech's Kaelyn Collins is ready to ride -- or roll.

Slow Roll Detroit

What it like to Slow Roll through Detroit? What's it like to Slow Roll? Cass Tech's Kameron Shakoor-Sanders shows us.

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