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The student voice of Detroit's High Schools.

Aleia Shelton


Life is precious, fragile so value each day

Life and family are irreplaceable and can be snatched away in a heartbeat. Value and love the people God allowed you to borrow because He’s going to want them back eventually, no matter who it is and how significant that individual is to you. Life is fragile. 

When math teacher Casey Edgar leaves King, she begins her second job as an Uber driver. She has held this part-time job for two years.

For hire: Teachers take part-time jobs

Cashier, custodian, tutor, balloon decorator, Shipt driver, adjunct instructor, property manager, airport ramp agent, medical assistant, studio musician, dance instructor, latchkey facilitator, lifeguard, travel agent, online instructor. and overnight receptionist. Those are some of the part-time positions teachers have taken on to supplement their income. 

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