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Renaissance: Michigan Tech gives preview of college life

By Dezjuan Hardeman Staff Writer

Michigan Tech University hosted a Preview Day Weekend on March 20- 22 for admitted high school students looking to pursue majors in engineering, computer science, and other various fields of study.

“A preview day of the school is an awesome idea to help students know what they’re getting into for college,” said senior Jordan Dawson.

Michigan Tech offered various seminars for students to choose from where they would learn about particular topics concerning incoming freshman students such as the differences between high school and college classes, financial situations and living accommodations.

There were tours of the campus residential dorms for students who planned on staying on campus; however. it is required for freshmen to live on campus for the first year. Their three residential dorms were the Douglass Houghton Hall, McNair and Wadsworth all named after historic figures in Michigan.

During seminars explaining about the general curriculum on campus, it was established that although there is less time spent in classes during the week, there is more work required for each class.

“Generally students are to spend 2 ½ - 3 hours studying outside of class everyday for each class,” said Michigan Tech Professor Mike Meyer.

Students were also given the opportunity to talk to counselors in the admissions office and ask questions concerning students financial situations, or possible scholarships, and loans .a Also students were able to pay for their enrollment fee into the school that weekend if they desired to do so.

“Based on the opportunities given, students can be prepared for college instead of ‘going in blind’ and not knowing what to expect,” said senior Ethan Beard.




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