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Spirit Week celebrates fun, focuses on service

By Christopher Turner Staff Writer

Each year Loyola High School Detroit prepares for the homecoming game and dance by engaging in a set of activities that make up Spirit Week. During this time, students, staff, and teachers show their support for the school.

Most schools have something like Spirit Week activities. Loyola High School is the same in that respect. The week began with Pajama Day. Pajama Day will be followed by Detroit Day, Team Jersey Day, and Blue and White Day.

“I think Spirit Week is amazing, mainly because we don’t have to wear a uniform,” sophomore Nick Bryant said.

However, Loyola is different in a couple of ways. First, each day ends in a competition that is designed to help students earn points for their House, or group. The House that earns the most points will be awarded the House Trophy.

The competitions begin lasts a week. It includes a tug of war, a bungee run and a pizza eating contest.

The competitions also include an activity called the Wrecking Ball. In this competition, students from several houses stand on the edge of an air filled, blow up arena, and try to knock each other into a padded trench with a giant air filled ball.

The week ends with students honoring their motto, Men for Others. The entire school body goes into communities to complete a Day of Service at a variety of charities.

Some of the places that students, staff, and teachers go to serve are Forgotten Harvest, Gleaners, the Saint Vincent DePaul and Belle Isle.

Michael Black, the director of admissions, and the coordinator for the Day of Service said he believes it is important to end Spirit Week with the Day of Service.

“It brings everything back into perspective,” Black said. It reminds us that although we are celebrating the school, we are here for the community as well.”



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