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Excited seniors try to avoid being stressed out

By E’Lise Johnson and Alyssia Curry Staff Writers

Senior year has approached and all of Martin Luther King Jr. Senior High School seniors are becoming overwhelmed with stress and making a decent college decision. Finally getting ready to graduate and go off to college.

“I’m happy I made it this far,” King senior Denayus Johnson said.

Having to get senior dues in, getting things ready for prom, homecoming, senior elections, spirit week, influencing the underclassmen, and having fun at the same time has all the seniors overly excited.

“It’s very serious making it as a senior because this is the start of your life,” senior Desiree Harris said.

Most seniors have the same opinion on how important senior year is. They have a lot of responsibilities and weight to carry such as making sure they are taking the classes that are needed to graduate. Extended day is being offered, as well, to help those who need credit recovery.

It’s the time of the year where seniors have to grow and become young adults. Everyone really has a lot to look forward to but shouldn’t just focus on activities, academics are more important. Some students that are on their own and taking care of themselves can easily get off track and lose the focus you should have driven into your priorities. A lot of the students that has been interviewed gave similar answers. Transformations from one year to another can be very exciting yet challenging.

Senior Lauren Parks admits balancing everything can be a challenge “because you have to go through the stressful part to get to the exciting part.”


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