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King's Leslie Spain wears many hats

Leslie Spain is not only a Career Technical Education teacher, she also is the director of the academy of finance, co-senior sponsor, one of the National Academy Foundation members and decorates the building. 

Spain does a lot for the school.

Being the academy director comes with many responsibilities. Even with her other jobs, she still finds time in her career to contribute to school festivities, create the spirit week activities, and do all senior events. When it comes to decorating for homecoming and holidays, Spain does not miss. She is the one many look to when it comes to creativity. 

Leslie Spain interacts with a student during a personal finance class. Photo by Crusaders' Chronicle.

“I assist with Grammys, prom, graduation, cap and gown, senior pinning, and all things fun, and all things that prepare seniors as they take their various rites of passage before they graduate,” Spain said. “We kick off the year with homecoming. We have a new theme every year, then we do our Christmas theme decoration, and so on."

She did not just become this do-it-all educator overnight. She started by getting her business major with an Infosys in accounting from Talladega College. She also was a substitute teacher. 

“I subbed for 2 1/2 years. While I was subbing, a position teaching accounting in high school became available, and here I am now,” Spain said.

Spain has impacted the lives of her students while giving them genuine advice to prepare them for the world.

“Having Ms. Spain's class helped me with what I want to major in. I want to be a certified public accountant,” senior Samuel Washington said. “The biggest lesson she taught me outside of school was never let anyone knock you out your square.”  

Many students take the advice that she has given them and use it in their daily lives.

“She told me not to take nonsense from anybody, keep it cordial, and be independent,” senior Trevon Nathaniel said.


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