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Companies struggle with hiring, keeping employees due to COVID-19

<p>Companies like McDonald's are having a difficult&nbsp;time hiring since the COVID-19 outbreak.&nbsp;Photo by Crusaders' Chronicle.&nbsp;</p>

Companies like McDonald's are having a difficult time hiring since the COVID-19 outbreak. Photo by Crusaders' Chronicle. 

When the lockdown happened back in March 2020, it drastically affected businesses. Today, businesses have a hard time hiring new workers and keeping them from quitting. Some jobs are unable to hire new workers due because it seems as though many do not want to work. 

“Hiring is a complicated task to do," said Isaiah Moscow, team lead at Walmart. "On my screen now, I have well over 50 minors trying to work but given the restrictions of their hours I put them somewhere else because I already have a lot of minors working the same shift.

“Yesterday, three of my employees quit after catching COVID twice in our facility. We try our best to keep our employees from getting sick.” 

Employees tend to quit because of COVID-19 exposure, being overworked, and poor working conditions. The fast food industry is struggling too. 

“I just quit my job yesterday because I worked open to close every day," said Tienikka Anderson, a freshman at Eastern Michigan. "McDonalds was getting out of hand. I would have to be in my virtual class while working because they didn’t want to change my schedule. I was too tired."

Aside from fast food, other facilities such as nursing homes are losing employees because of poor health guidelines.  

“Staff members get COVID every other week and they allow them to still work with the residents, but they don’t think about others that have kids back at home,” certified nursing assistant Deja Winston said. 


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