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Cass Tech seniors look forward to in-person events

Every senior class looks forward to its senior events. The class of 2022 at Cass Tech is no different. This year's senior class hopes that all of their senior events will be in person.

Cass Tech senior Nathaniel Jefferson said he thinks Cass Tech senior events are going to be different this year than previous years.

“With everything going on with COVID, I think it’s going to be a little bit more tight on security and social distancing, but I think it’s still going to be fun," Jefferson said.

Cass Tech senior Terrence Broughton is on the basketball team and he said the senior event he’s looking forward to the most is graduation.

“I'm looking forward to graduation the most because I’m ready to graduate with my teammates, and go on with my career," Broughton said.

Prom is the senior event many seniors look forward to the most, like senior Laylah Davenport.

“I am looking forward to prom the most because I want to dress up, and I want to dance with my friends," Davenport said.

Cass Tech senior adviser Barbara Moore shared some details about the upcoming senior events.

Moore said: “The Class of 2022 will have the opportunity to participate in events in Semester 2 of their senior year. Those events are: the Grammy's, Senior Pinning Ceremony, Senior Checkout, Senior Prom, and Senior Graduation.

The Senior Pinning Ceremony is a tradition at Cass Tech and other Detroit high schools.

“The Senior Pinning is a ceremony where parents/guardians are given the opportunity to pin their students, marking their transition from high school to post-high school," Moore said. "Parents have an opportunity to demonstrate their pride and excitement toward their graduating senior at the Senior Pinning Ceremony."

Moore left this message for the class of 2022:

“Don't feel pressured to do something because the people you trust you are doing it- everyone's path is determined and changed by one choice.”


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