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​Why Trump’s plans to remove birthright citizenship affects you

On Oct. 30, an interview of President Donald Trump by “Axios on HBO” was released where he expressed his desire to end the idea of birthright citizenship.

In the video, he said, “It’s in the process. It’ll happen with an executive order.”

Though birthright citizenship is currently protected by the 14th Amendment, Trump said he wants to make this change through an executive order, meaning his proposed law does not have to go through the legislative process.

What does this mean for people in our community? That much currently remains unclear, however it may negatively impact many at our very own Western International High School.

“What does that mean for first generation kids? It’s scary to see how much power he has over something that could affect millions of people so drastically,” senior Jeanette Andrade said.

“Most people in this country are immigrants,” said junior Martine Jacobo. “The land was never ours and we claimed it and now people are being ripped off their rights to be a citizen. For many first-generations kids, this country is all they know, and they would basically be sent away to a foreign country.”


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