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Are uniforms worth the hassle?

<p>Students expressing themselves with colorful clothing on a free dress day.&nbsp;</p>

Students expressing themselves with colorful clothing on a free dress day. 

School uniforms can go either way in both students and teachers’ minds.

There are both good and bad feelings for both parties, and it’s best to consider both sides when deciding on whether uniforms should be in place.

In terms of having a uniform policy, the first thing a student my age thinks is, “ I’m going to look like everyone else.”

Students should be able to express themselves the best way they know how, through their clothing choices.

What asked of his opinion on school uniforms, junior Will Manning said, “I believe we shouldn’t have uniforms at all,”

Many of the other students agree that there should be some guidelines when it comes to what they wear, but completely regulating what they wear is not only hurting them, but their parents as well.

They now have to go out and buy nearly a new wardrobe for their kids when I'm sure they worked hard on the first one.

There are also teachers who disagree with the uniform policy.

Social Studies teacher, Curtis Lee said, “ I don’t believe in school uniforms because there is no empirical evidence that the uniforms will improve test scores or intelligences. Students should be able to express themselves through their individual styles and personality.”

It’s very easy for a teen to show that they have a unique style, but what good is having that unique trait if it isn’t seen by the people who doubt that you have it?

Even though having your own style is good, there are going to be times when it’s not professional. When a person of business comes into the school, they aren’t going to want to see shirts that says, “School is a hobby, sleep is a priority.” Students do not need to be advertising billboards either.

Uniforms are preparing students for what will be expected in the world of business. When a student comes to school, they have a job to do and they are expected to do it looking like they are ready to walk into the business world.

Other teachers believe that uniforms actually help students.

Science teacher Arzell Jones said, “ I believe that school uniforms are good for students, it gets them familiar with dress codes, since that’s what most jobs & careers require.”

Telling a student that it’s okay to come as you are is like telling them that that if work at McDonald’s or Wendy’s, that they don’t have to represent them correctly.

Uniforms can help provide a sense of organization to a company or school.

No matter which side you are on, the uniform debate will probably never come to an end. As long as teenagers continue to be expressive, there will always be an argument against taking that expressiveness away through cookie cutter clothing choices.


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