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Douglass staff gets fit

<p>Douglass resource teacher Amanda Morris works out a treadmill during her prep time.</p>

Douglass resource teacher Amanda Morris works out a treadmill during her prep time.

Last summer, Douglass Academy middle school science teacher Sheryl Rucker and ELA Instructional Specialist Christopher Bryant started exercising together.

Rucker, a science teacher, said her goal was to lose weight before her wedding next summer. Bryant said he simply wanted to get fit.

“I am getting married in the summer next year,” said Rucker, “so it’s motivation for me to get the dress I want.”

Bryant said he began a fitness program at the end of the 2015 school year.

“It all started at end of last school year when I started attending a year-long series of workshops on improving the culture and climate of this school,” said Bryant.

Bryant does a series of after-school exercises at the end of the each week. Bryant also routinely counts his footsteps on a pedometer app he downloaded on his phone.

“I’m supposed to get 10,000 steps per day,” he said.

“On my own, I typically walk between two to five miles at one time, three or four times a week,” said Bryant.

So far Bryant has lost over 30 pounds since the beginning of this school year started and plan to lose more.

“I would have lose another 30 pounds to reach my new goal which is very hard but I know I can do it,” said Bryant.

Not only has Bryant lost a lot of weight, he’s also healthier.

“I think it's more important that I feel healthier and also look healthier than what I used to look,” said Bryant. “It’s also nice to be able to fit into those smaller clothes that I've been wanting to wear too.”

Rucker and Bryant walk around the school together during their lunch hours a few days each week. Rucker and Bryant are also motivating each other and reminding each other about their goals.

“Well, absolutely, I feel better about myself,” said Rucker. “I have more energy.”


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