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King: Use of technology isn’t allowing kids to have true childhood

Today's younger generations are all about their tech-savvy gadgets. From smartphones to tablets, technology plays such a large role in their lives that it omits their childhood. The more technology being used means less interactions the children are having with one another or things around them.

“I find it funny when I see someone younger than me with their own iPhone. What do they need that for?” said Terrance Sutton, senior at Diploma Success.

The influence of technology on today’s youth aren’t allowing them the chance to be kids.

"I really think the use of technology at a young age is preparing the children for what the future holds, although some children may overuse technology causing them to miss out on things like going to the park or playing with others,” Breonna Lyons said.

Instead of spending time playing outside with neighborhood kids it’s more likely to find them on social networks or with their eyes glued to a TV screen. According to, one in three adults say technology is destroying family life, and half believe that allowing a child unrestricted access to the Internet is a form of child abuse. There is also a general sense that families simply don’t enjoy as much bonding time together anymore.

“I kind of feel sorry for them, you only get one childhood,” Sutton said.

Marcus Anderson, a senior at King, said "Yeah, I think they do, they spend too much time on their phones rather than actually doing something."

Some people may argue saying that exposing their child to technology early is a good way to prepare them for the future. This will enable them to get a grip of things now so they won’t have to deal with the hassle of learning it later.

In my opinion, children should have a limit when it comes to the consumption of tech-savvy gadgets. It seems like kids are overdosing on the use of mechanics, so much so that it interferes with interactions of others, but if parents were to supervise and minimize their child's use than that could resolve the over usage of these gadgets.

“The only reason people feel like its ruining the children’s childhood is because they weren’t born in this era of technology. We can’t expect things to be the same forever,” said parent Doris Diane.

In retrospect, who’s to say what a childhood should consist of. For all we know they could have the greatest childhood ever. The world will continue to advance and change from what was known to be a custom.


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