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DIA: Let's honor all mothers

By Keyonna Wash and Alayzjia Harris Staff Writers

On Mother’s Day, it is time to celebrate the mothers in the world, of all types and ages.

“Some people give thanks to female figures who aren’t necessarily their mothers,” junior Jakea Parker said.

“This is the time of the year to give thanks to the special women in our lives or for those who have lost their mothers, [we] celebrate [our] mother figures,” junior Kahlima Williams said.

There are even some young mothers that study here at the DIA.

“I just never thought I’d be the one to get pregnant, especially at such a young age,” senior LaChrista Banks said. “Don’t get me wrong, motherhood is a beautiful thing. I just wish I would have waited about five more years.”

Senior Ashley Myers was asked what is the most difficult thing about motherhood, while still being a teenager?

“I would have to say going to school and making sure my child is safe at home,” Myers said. “I only say that because you can’t trust everybody.”

Many students also use this day to give thanks to people that either play the roles of their mothers or are generally important women in their lives.

“My dad plays both roles in my life. It’s not so bad though,” senior Shania Franklin said.

She says by not having a mother “certain talks with my dad can sometimes get a little weird. But, then again, I know he understands me and I appreciate that.”

Sophomore Danelle Bailey is in a similar situation as Franklin; she was asked who she spends Mother’s Day with since her mother passed away years before.

“Because of her death, I spend it with my family, just so I can take my mind off the situation,” Bailey said.

When talking about the amount of thought DIA put into honoring this special day, counselor Dena Greene-Robinson said, “even though children spend all their money, to see them smile is the best feeling in the world. It’s like you’ve made an accomplishment.”


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