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CMA: Students celebrate MLK at annual Wayne State event

By Sharneisha Morris Staff Writer

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Intelligence plus character-that is the true goal of education.”

In honor of his dedication to the Civil Rights Movement, people all over celebrate King, during the month of January. WSU held their annual tribute in honor of King on Jan. 16 at the Max M. Fisher Building. Every year, schools, administrators, and special guests from all over the Detroit area gather together to celebrate King’s legacy.

Festivities included a poetry reading, singing performances, and acknowledgment of activists in the community.

“I really enjoyed the poetry slam,” said senior Trisha Dunn. “It painted the picture of the black stereotype perfectly.”

But the real highlight of the event were the keynote speakers.

This year’s speakers were the authors of the urban bestseller, “The Pact,” Rameck Hunt, George Jenkins and Sampson Davis. They are three close friends who fought the obstacles of street life in Newark, N.J., making a pact to become successful.

But this did not prove to be easy, with negative influences around and few positive role models. The odds were against them. After years of dedication, friendship, and hard work, these men now proudly wear the title of “doctor.”

“I just feel that if I can be as focused and have a group of friends like they did,” says sophomore David Nathan. “ I can make a difference in my life, maybe in the lives of others too.”


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