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New vocabulary words can earn students flapjacks

By Kristian Craig Staff Writer

Douglass teacher Kathleen Temple, assisted by Douglass wordsmith Dennis Donald, served up pancakes for students who could recite vocabulary words during Temple’s innovative and unique “Flapjack Fun” program.

The purpose of the program was for students to learn new words. For every new word they learned, they received a flapjack.

“Liking breakfast and conversation in the morning [myself], I thought it would be a great way to include the vocabulary words from the PSAT,” said Temple, an Autism Spectrum Disorder instructor.

Temple said that the food will not be changed from breakfast unless the kids want something else by democratic vote. The program will be held once a month and all the students are invited.

“When I did ‘Flapjack Fun’ with Ms. Temple, it was fun,” said Douglass junior Kamalle Seal-Brown.

Brown said that the pancakes were awesome and that he looks forward to doing “Flapjack Fun” every month.


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